Preemptive strike
1500 points battle
Army Lists
184th Cadian
First playtest with the Army List
Mobile ground forces v1.0
Vahiagi's mek Waaaagh!
3x lootas, 2 of them with big mek and shokk gun
2x deff dreads with 2x rokkits each
2x squadrons of 2x warbuggies with twinlinked rokkit launcha
Trukk with some boyz
3x squadrons of 3x Killa kanz with Grotzookas
Mission and deployment
Mission: Purge the alien (the KP-equivalent one)
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil (short table edges)
I rolled and got first turn.
Night fighting is in effect for turn 1.
Well well well. The deployment is very good for my list: potentially I can have more space between my lines and the enemy if i deploy full back.
I must admit that i didn't know the actual statline of the killa kanz, expecially their range. If i did, i would have played my first ranks somewhat differently.
The table has plenty of cover in the deployment zones and a very nice, empty field of fire in the middle: this is very very appreciated from my Lascannons.
The Battle
The table has been formed following the 6th edition guidelines: split the table in 6 squares and roll a d3 to see how many terrain pieces are in for each sector. The rolls have been quite above the average! It turned out that this table was very balanced, so I'm gonna like this way of table building, even if it requires a bit more time.
I deploy my aegis line halfway in my deployment zone, to get more inches from my opponent lines, and the flamer platoon in front. Their task is to get at them and slow them down as much as possible... which they would have accomplished better if they stood back and waited for their units to stagger forward (i didn't know that the killa kanz grotzooka was so short ranged... well, nevermind they'll absorb the lootas fire.
My opponent deployed as close to me as possible, of course. The killa kanz provide mobile cover to who's behind, lootas are in cover and ready to fire.
General:"Ah! Come in, colonel. You'll be happy to know this time I have secured a safe mission for you and your men!"
Colonel (Thinking):"Sure, safe mission. I've never seen one, even when they assured me it was..."
C: "Thank you sir! It will be absolutely bully! What's it about?"
G: "You need to perform a cleansing mission on this planet. It has been more than 10 years since the last ork cleaning mission, and it's about time for a new one"
C (thinking): "TEN YEARS?? Those greenskins would have had time to build a whole new HUGE mechanized army!"
C: "I completely agree, sir. My men will be enthusiast to know the details of this mission"
G: "I couldn't expect worse from your men, colonel. Go now, and prepare for battle"
G (thinking): "I guess he doesn't need to know that the last time we tried to clean the planet, we lost half a regiment worth of vehicle and machinery. It would only hamper his morale, for sure."
* * *
"We can't trust the greenskins. The command wants us to believe they're still in a feral state, with primitive weapons: I don't think that we'll be armed enough with a couple of flamethrowers, we'd better bring some heavy weapons with us."
"Sir, the command HQ has detached 2 Leman russes "demolisher" to our regiment. Isn't it a bit... unusual... for an ork cleaning?"
"Corporal, remember, we can never know in advance what we can meet on the battlefield, only that the more gun we have, the better it is. Anyway, yes, it's unusual"
* * *
For a change, the regiment lands on the planet smoothly and without delays. After all, this is still an Imperial planet, and no enemies are nearby... except those orks that are theoretically under control.
A squadron of Scout Sentinels is detached in the night following the planetfall, to discover the greenskins nests. After a single hour of scouting, every contact with the explorers is lost. The last transmission was all but clear, and only a loud "WAAAAAGH!" could be made out from the static discharges.
The greenskins are coming.
Turn 1 - Imperial Guard
The cranking noises of several orkish vehicles grew louder and louder every minute passing away. The night was still thick, and nobody could spot the approaching enemy.
"Lieutenant, send your platoon forward. We need visual confirmation for our target, to open fire. On the double!"
Hundreds of boots began to march in the dark fields, with the friendly, lumbering presence of the Demolisher following the cautious advance.
"Sir, we found them! It's a mechanized formation, we can't spot any greenskin but they're filled to the brim with walkers, several sizes. We don't have any weaponry available to suppress them or slow down their advance! We need orders, sir!"
"Good job, Lieutenant. Move your men to the flank of the valley, find any cover available and await for reinforcement. Fire support is going to open fire soon. Keep reporting any new enemy information you can gather."
The tanks were the only one in the immediate vicinity able to open fire across the dark fields. Their heavy bolters began clattering away to the approaching walkers, every round lightened the surroundings like a lightning storm. Shortly after, the first demolisher cannon shell blasted away in the middle of the enemy formation.
"Sir, we report one large explosion, but we cannot confirm any kill. They're still advancing!"
The flamer platoon and the demolisher advanced across the field, trying to get as near as possible to the flanks, to get cover or out of LOS as much as possible.
The Lemans' bolters opened fire on the top and bottom squadrons of kans, and the bottom one uses its cannon too. The blast scattered away and is then blocked by cover, and the 6 bolter rounds managed to remove a single HP from one of them.
Here i have made an HUGE HUGE error: i forgot that my tanks have searchlights, thus, all my lascannons and quad gun would have been able to fire. I could have killed a killa kan or two, maybe... Another error: the killa kanz have grotzookas which are short ranged plus they really murder infantry in the open. It haven't been a really brilliant move to march across the field with my guardsmen, closing the gap for them. and only for a single demolisher shot which did nothing!
Turn 1 - Orks
"Little oomies wanna play! Stomp 'em! WAAAAAGH!"
The killa kanz squadron advanced towards the marching infantrymen, unleashing all their firepower in a single, deadly salvo. Whistling in the air, the rockets slammed into the guard lines: several guardsmen blew up in pieces, and many others screamed in pain when the shrapnels hit their bodies.
"HARR HARR HARR, dey'r blowwin up all around uns! SMASH DEM!"
From the back of the enemy formation, automatic fire answered the clattering of the Guard's heavy bolters: a lot of high caliber rounds whizzed around the wounded guardsmen, slaying more of them.
"SIR! SIR! They're slaughtering us! We request immediate assistance!"
"Hold on a little longer, Lieutenant. Reinforcements are under way. Find the best cover you can get and keep your heads down.
Ouch. Really. This turn is where i learned about grotzookas firepower, the hard way.
Everything except lootas moved forward. The buggies tried to glance the demolishers, and only 1 hull point is chipped away from the lowest LRD. Everything else opened fire against the infantry squads up front, and i lose several men in the process. At least, every morale test is passed.
Turn 2 - Imperial Guard
"Airborn Storm troopers reporting in. We're commencing the drop run, ETA 120 seconds"
As soon as the sun began to rise, the valkiries lift off the regimental HQ carrying the special operation forces. The greenskins were too much armoured for the light weaponry issued to the guardsmen, and a quick response was needed.
"There's an old landing area behind the enemy column. You have to drop there and destroy as much vehicles as possible, to slow down the enemy advance and take out the biggest threats"
Still scattered by the explosions, the survivors from the frontline, staggered back up, the sergeants yelling orders about positioning and weapon checking and setting up counterattacks and pay attention and... Just more noises in the battle. The cannons kept roaring, and now the Lascannons added their crack to the battle. The remaining guardsmen ran for cover, waiting to be rescued from their comrades, and started digging some trenches.
On the north flank, there was no place to hide. The only hope was to close the distance from the enemy line as quickly as possible, and hide in the buildings ahead.
"Move, move, move! If you want to see the light of another day, we must reach those buildings and take shelter behind them! And those rusty warbuggies won't stop us, at all! On the double!"
The young Lieutenant drove his men on a desperate run for their only hope of survival.
"Use your grenades! we must blow them up!"
Several explosive charges flew into the opened warbuggies, but the orks managed to throw all of them out of the chassis, before reversing and stuttering away. If possible, they now sprouted more smoke than before.
The enemy contraptions were now visible in the dawn's light, and the colonel itself directed the fire of the heavy laser batteries. Several beams crashed in one of the biggest walkers, halting it on its feet.
The landing has been perfect, the long training they endured has paid off. Both special units are exactly where planned, ready to blast off some greenskins.
Their enhanced lasguns provide covering fire to the melta beams and plasma bolts raining on the rear of the enemy formations: the dread staggered to a cranky halt, before blowing up, throwing razor sharp shrapnel on the field.
"Secure this landing field, we need to clear this sector to allow the rest of the army to regroup!"

The black infantry squads moved behind the buildings and pulled off a charge against the warbuggies. 9 inches and one glance free! yay! Quick note, now the good old frag grenades have been demoted to s3 and can't be used in assault either. Krak grenades are mandatory for infantry squad that plan to assault vehicles.
The purple squad got back in coherency and got called "Incoming" for a 5+ cover save in the open and a 2+ save for who's behind the tanker.
The four twinlinked lascannons managed to stun the first deff dread...
The CCS lascannon and quadgun are stopped by cover saves
The top demolisher misses completely, but the bottom one manage to wreck a killa can and immobilize another one.
The melta stormtroopers manages to explode the other deff dread (yay first blood for me) and killing a loota in the explosion, but the plasma stormtroopers only manage to glance a single HP from the warbuggies (note that 4 out of 5 plasma shots hit the target, but i managed to roll only one 3. Very bad luck!)
Quick fun note, the snipers PCS manage to pen a killa kan with rending, but it's stopped by cover. Snap!
Turn 2 - Orks
"Da boy wich bringz me da moar oomie head will drive da trukk next ride! WAAAAGH!"
The trukk drove ahead towards the already weakened northern flank, and the greenskins inside jumped out, firing their makeshift weapons in the general direction of the distracted guardsmen: despite the high firepower, the nonexistent training of the orks only managed to kill very few men. This didn't discouraged the aliens, but instead they charged the line with beastly fury, slaughtering every single guardsman.
"HARR HARR HARR! Look da stupid Grokk, it killz da self fellin on his choppa!"
"Sir, the landing field is not secure, the rear guard of the enemy formation is well defended. Our scanners detect several weapon emplacements all around the quadrant. We'll need heavier support to... HIT THE DIRT! INCOMING!"
The automatic weapons of the ork looters opened fire on the stormtroopers on the landing field. The high caliber - high velocity bullets teared through the reinforced ceramite plates of their carapace, slaughtering the hapless drop troops in a single, deadly salvo.
"Sergeant! SERGEANT! Answer, Sergeant! ... Damnit"
"Sir, Captain Allen reports that the southern flank is taking heavy casualties. We've also lost every contact with Lieutenant Steward and his platoon. What shall we do?"
The situation was looking very bleak, and very little of the first ranks was still able to fight on. The rear-guard diversion has been suppressed as soon as it started, and the enemy battle line was closing in.
It was in times like this that the Colonel thanked the emperor that there were no commissars in sight.
"Corporal, order a full retreat to every forward unit still able to listen to the message. Covering fire is being set up at the main defence line. We'll stop the greenskins there, or the whole mission would become an even greater disaster."

Oh well, this turn hurts a lot. I' ve lost a stunning 4 units in a single turn!
The warbuggies on top disengaged and allowed the boyz to charge the half depleted infantry squads reducing them to a red mush. I manage to kill a single ork boy, wohoo! Three killa kanz murder the small platoon squad with no chances of retaliation, while the other 2 squadrons kept blowing the other two infantry squads to pieces with their grotzookas, hitting the CCS nearby too. At least i passed every single morale check so far. Basically i am left with the static platoon and the main CCS completely unscathed, one demolisher at full condition, one with 2HP left, less than a quarter of a platoon, half secondary CCS (approximately 860 points worth of army) versus my opponent full army minus a deff dread, a killa kan, a loota and a boy. Ouch!
VP count: IG 1+First blood, orks 4
Turn 3 - Imperial Guard
"We must cover our retreat AND slow down their advance at the same time. They're not very fast but for sure are tough targets, our lasguns are completely ineffective. Corporal, request a long range Basilisk barrage on the enemy column to the regiment HQ, immediately!"
"Yes sir! Requesting fire for effect in quadrant NQ-12, range 5 miles, square."
"Sir, the 77th artillery reports that their Basilisk are currently under maintenance, and they'll be unavailable for at least three hours, maybe four!"
"Get immediately back on that radio. We won't have that many hours, and the next target after our position is the 77th field HQ. They don't want to wait that much, I am sure."
The scattered remnants of an once whole platoon were staggering through a forest to link back with the forces behind the main defence line, a blank stare on their faces. The battle cannons roared, the bolters clattered away and the lascannons whined loudly in the air, destroying orkish equipment and scattering metal scraps all across the field.
"Private, do you see that loose joint on the leg of that walker thing? Aim at it and stop that tin can immediately!"
After a deep breath, the sniper raised his long-las to the shoulder, identified the weak spot, muttered a prayer for a precise shot for his rifle and pulled the trigger.
The overcharged energy beam melted the already weak joints of the ork contraption, breaking them.
"Good job, private. Good job!"
They should sell stickers with that sentence. I'd buy several. Everything except heavy weapons moved as back as possible, with a little run too. It's not a good strategy to give my opponent two more free kill points when I handed him so gently 4 of them.
Shooting phase has been a little more satisfying than before. Despite the top Demolisher missing everything again (it scattered exactly between the kanz and the trukk) I manage to explode one, wreck a second and immobilize a third from a single kanz squadron and to immobilize two more (from the other 2 different squadrons). Since my opponent is really lacking in mobility, crippling his forward elements is a great plan to buy more time.
Note: one of the latter immobilizations is due to another rending penetration shot from a sniper. Woah!
VP count: IG 2 - Orks 4
Turn 3 - Orks
"Sir, the artillery regiment is still unavailable. They're rushing thingh as much as they can, but their Commissar pretends that every single Basilisk has to be in perfect clean condition before opening fire on the greenskins"
The green horde kept marching across the fields, every second closer to the main (and last) line of defense of the 184th.
The killa kanz kept pounding the falling back men of the first ranks. After a storm of explosions, only one sergeant made it back the aegis defense line: every other guardsman has been killed.
Without any other closer target, the lootas finally opened fire against the main fortifications of the Imperial forces. The sound of the lead slamming on the ferrocrete and zipping mere inches from the heads was deafening. Not too late the sound of shattered flesh added to the mix: the rate of fire was enough to pass through the emplacements and kill several guards.
"Sir, we have lost more than half of our forces, and the HQ can't send any reinforcements until the air field is secure again. What shall we do, sir?"
"Arrange medical evacuation for every guardsman that's still alive but unable to fight. Reinforce the aegis line, and be ready to open timed lasgun volleys when the greenskins will get close enough. Every heavy weapon still available shall open fire to the closest target. We must hold the line until the 77th finish cleaning their Basilisks. They're our only hope."

Another turn of general, slow advance for the orks.
The farthest back lootas advanced too along the bottom flank, to get in range of the aegis line next turn. I guess he forgot that heavy weapons can snapfire even when they move...
The remaining squadron of two killa kanz almost wiped away the remnants of the first platoon, and only a sergeant survived! Killpoint denied! (so far)
And lastly, the other 2 loota squads opened fire on the line, killing 7 guardsmen and a Lasercannon!
VP count: IG 2 - orks 4
Turn 4 - Imperial Guard
The orks are now so close to the imperial fortifications that their stench and the smell of the greasy oil their machines burned was thick in the air. The time available to stop the aliens was running short.
Every single shot has now to have an effect, or the green tide will overrun the guardsmen still alive.
The reckless advance of the orks has put them in the clear fields of fire in front of the Guard line: without anything obscuring the visual, the guardsmen now have a perfect target for their weapons.
Shouting orders, the Colonel directed the fire of the surviving men.
The lascannons discharged their high energy beams in the thinly armoured vehicles racing towards the line: several of them exploded with huge blasts, leaving only charred remnants and metal pieces scattered on the field
"Private, i need another straight shot. That buggy is coming right towards us: kill the driver, so they'll stop and we can get outta here"
The sniper took a deep breath, aimed the long las at the ork driver's head and fired.
The overcharged beam of the modified lasgun pierced the air. A sudden bump of the warbuggy saved the head of the ork, but the shot hit the exposed gasoline tank! The explosion broke the car in two pieces, throwing them apart on the field.
"That wasn't exactly what I asked for, private, but good job nevertheless!" Let's go now, it's not safe here anymore."

Well, finally I manage to kill something this turn.
I keep retreating the lonely sergeant to hide him behind the hill, to save a killpoint, with the second CCS following him closely.
The top demolisher manages to miss everything, again. The bottom one misses too, but at least scatters on a killa kan, wrecking it. Lascannon fire blows up the trukk and glances to a single HP the last deff dread and a great sniper manages to hit, penetrate and explode one of the bottom warbuggies. HERO! (mathammer, for a unit of 4 snipers at bs3 to explode an av10 vehicle, i have a 3% success chance)
VP count: IG 3 - orks 4
Final Turns
From this point onwards, nothing much happens, except "Orks advance" and "Guard fires back", so i leave the technical commentary aside in favor of the storytelling
The exploding ork vehicles sprouted thick, black, greasy smoke pillars that blocked the visual of the remaining guard survivors. The senior officer knew it wasn't over: it's never over when there are greenskins around.
He was right: after a short lull, war cries pierced the smoke and echoed through the imperial fortifications
Another wave emerged into sight, screaming and running towards the last survivors. The battle tank opened fire, deafening the guards nearby and blasting the running orks. The small lasguns whined rhythmically, burning the thick, green hide of the xenos.
The green tide smashed against the first line, like a storm. Several orks climbed on top of the tanks, opened the hatches and slaughtered the occupants. Nothing except the lasguns and the souls of an handful of guardsmen now stand between the orks and total defeat.
"Men! we all know that our duty is our loyalty to the Emperor. Our duty is to protect His worlds and enforce his will. The highest honor we can dream to achieve is to die knowing that we have accomplished our mission! Do not be afraid, this battle is going to the end, and we bought enough time to alert and prepare a proper response from the planetary command. The Emperor light will shine upon us! We will fight together as one, to repel the enemy of the imperium. OPEN FIRE!"
Two dozens of lasguns opened fire simultaneously, carving a hole in the advancing orks. Following the shouted rythm of the sergeant voice, a fusillade of laser whittled the green ranks.
One by one, the lasguns fell silent. The orks stormed the barricades and overwhelmed every single soldier that tried to stand up against them. Where you could have heard lasguns discharge, you'd now hear only screams of pain.
* * *
Several hours later, an abandoned vox caster, crackled back to life...
*fzzttt* *fzzttt* "77th artillery regiment ready to fire. Commencing Basiliks barrage at coordinates 5.621.64.4 grid A6. Please confirm the order, Colonel."
No one was there to answer.