Inquisitional playground
Army Lists
184th Cadian
Assault Infantry v1.1Grey Knights
Player: Mr.Darkness
6x acolytes w/ 3x meltaguns/psyback6x acolytes w/ 3x meltaguns/psyback
6x acolytes w/ 3x plasmaguns/psyback
5x acolytes w/ 3x plasmaguns/psyback
5x purifiers w/ 2x psycannons/2x halberds/1xhammer5x purifiers w/ 2x psycannons/2x halberds/1xhammer
5x purifiers w/ 2x psycannons/2x halberds/1xhammer
heavy support
3x Dreadnought w/ dual Twin linked Autocannon, psybolts (aka: psyflemen)1500 points
Mission and Deployment
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Dawn of War
Grey Knights rolled to go first.
Well, this could have definitely been worse. Dawn of war basically prevents me to fire during turn 1, barring a very aggressive deployment from my opponent.
Annihilation is a real bonus for my army: i have only 8 KP while my opponent has 18! I pratically need to not be tabled to achieve a victory!
If my opponent packs his vehicles nearby a table edge, Al Raheem will have a field day hopping from tank to tank.
Deployment: Dawn of War
Grey Knights rolled to go first.
Well, this could have definitely been worse. Dawn of war basically prevents me to fire during turn 1, barring a very aggressive deployment from my opponent.
Annihilation is a real bonus for my army: i have only 8 KP while my opponent has 18! I pratically need to not be tabled to achieve a victory!
If my opponent packs his vehicles nearby a table edge, Al Raheem will have a field day hopping from tank to tank.
The Battle
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The table has been set up by the GK player, and it's quite open. The two buildings at the side are impassable and BLOS, the centerpiece ruin has a 4+ cover save for both infantry and vehicles, like the swamps and forests. The hills aren't difficult terrain, but are tall enough to obscure ground vehicles hiding behind.
The opponent decided to not deploy anything and to wait turn 1 to bring everything on the field.
I deployed everything center-left, with the PCS peeking from the buildings. I didn't deployed centrally or split in the corners because i want to force my opponent to play close to the table edge, to allow as much targets as possible to Al Raheem's meltagunners. The Stormtroopers are deepstriking
The opponent decided to not deploy anything and to wait turn 1 to bring everything on the field.
I deployed everything center-left, with the PCS peeking from the buildings. I didn't deployed centrally or split in the corners because i want to force my opponent to play close to the table edge, to allow as much targets as possible to Al Raheem's meltagunners. The Stormtroopers are deepstriking
It has been a week since the remainders of out regiment left the planet of Theseus Minor and we're still reorganizing our forces after many many casualties. It will take a while...
No rest for the weary, anyway. We just received a dispatch from an Inquisitor which informed us that he, following the will of the Emperor, is commandeering us onto a search and destroy mission. The target is another Inquisitor which is accused to be heretic and tainted by the Chaos powers. I just suspect that this is simply another politics game, but i wouldn't complain with anyone about this, or i'd simply be found dead on my bed one night...
I rolled to seize the initiative: 6!
Too bad he had Coteaz, which forces me to reroll the die.
Roll again: 6!
Who am I to discuss the Emperor's will?
Too bad he had Coteaz, which forces me to reroll the die.
Roll again: 6!
Who am I to discuss the Emperor's will?
Turn 1 - Imperial guard
The stormtroopers descended first on the planet, infiltrating to be able to spot our target before he's able to set up a defensive perimeter against our attack.
After a couple of hours, the enemy appeared on our long range scanners, and the ambush is set up.
After a couple of hours, the enemy appeared on our long range scanners, and the ambush is set up.
"Listen here, Lieutenants. The armoured column must cross this pass: we'll wait them here and here, opening fire from multiple sides. We MUST destroy as much transports as possible before going in for the kill. Do you understand? Good. Now move your men"
The ambush was now set up. The only light available was the one from the few stars in the sky.
And then they came: several engines roaring through the darkness, marching towards their end.

Well, absolutely nothing happened.
Turn 1 - Grey Knights
The armoured transports kept moving quietly through the night, until when the first autocannon rounds began ricocheting off the armor plates.
Revving up, the first elements of the column speed up, launching smoke grenades to hide the rest of the convoy against the rising sun off the horizon.
Revving up, the first elements of the column speed up, launching smoke grenades to hide the rest of the convoy against the rising sun off the horizon.
"Who the hell ordered to fire so soon? We lost the surprise effect now! Guardsmen, pick a target and be ready to fire at my signal..."

The GK force come in, and it mostly followed my plan. All enemy transports are straight ahead of my main force, with only three walkers (which are basically useless) are on the opposing flank, hiding in the woods.
The Purifiers are in the frontal three rhinos, while the acolytes are in the rear 4
The Purifiers are in the frontal three rhinos, while the acolytes are in the rear 4
Turn 2 - Imperial Guard
Every gun available opened fire onto the advancing convoy. Several Laser beams penetrated the smoke cloud, followed by a black, thick column of smoke from where one of the rhinos now lay immobile, while its passengers staggered outside, under the Imperial Guard firepower.
A transport valkirye zoomed above the battlefield, dropping a team of Stormtroopers dangerously close to the walkers hiding in the forests: firing from the hip, a hail of plasma bolts hit the rear of the nearby Dreadnought.
The plasma's energy melt through the engine compartment, which exploded.
"Well, that's a showy entrance, for sure!"
The plasma's energy melt through the engine compartment, which exploded.
"Well, that's a showy entrance, for sure!"
"Keep firing, men! They weren't expecting us!"

I retreated the right side PCS, so it can fire across the board to the rhinos while not being shot from the dreads.
Stormtroopers came in, failed the first scatter attempt and barely managed to stay on board with the second one. Phew!
The gunline opened against the purifiers rhinos: one is wrecked while the middle one has its stormbolter removed and the left one is stunned. (if I inverted the targets, the central purifiers wouldn't have been able to disembark and they would be dead. Well, live to learn...)
The Stormtroopers rapidfired their plasmaguns against the rear armour of the dread (4 out of 5 hit, 4 out of 4 pens) which exploded!
Not bad for one turn of shooting.
KP count: 2-0 for Guard
Stormtroopers came in, failed the first scatter attempt and barely managed to stay on board with the second one. Phew!
The gunline opened against the purifiers rhinos: one is wrecked while the middle one has its stormbolter removed and the left one is stunned. (if I inverted the targets, the central purifiers wouldn't have been able to disembark and they would be dead. Well, live to learn...)
The Stormtroopers rapidfired their plasmaguns against the rear armour of the dread (4 out of 5 hit, 4 out of 4 pens) which exploded!
Not bad for one turn of shooting.
KP count: 2-0 for Guard
Turn 2 - Grey Knights
Reacting to the Guards' fire, the remaining transports sped up to close the distance against the firing positions to deliver their contents.
"Guardsmen! Stop them NOW if you want to live!"
"Guardsmen! Stop them NOW if you want to live!"
In the other flank, the remaining Dreadnoughts detected the explosion of their brother, and turned to face the Stormtroopers.
"Uh oh.... Sarge?"
A hail of lead showered the hapless soldiers, shredding all but one, quite surprised, trooper.
"Is that your best, tin can?" - the survivor stormtrooper taunted the Dreadnought.
Like if it was answering the challenge, the walker charged the soldier, stomping him in a pool of gore.
"Uh oh.... Sarge?"
A hail of lead showered the hapless soldiers, shredding all but one, quite surprised, trooper.
"Is that your best, tin can?" - the survivor stormtrooper taunted the Dreadnought.
Like if it was answering the challenge, the walker charged the soldier, stomping him in a pool of gore.
The transport opened fire on the move to cover their advance, targeting the officiers they can see: several streams of light rained upon the field HQ.
"Watch out, sir!" - a trooper yelled, throwing himself at the Captain, pulling him on the ground.
"Ugh, thank you, Ross... Ross?"
A puddle of blood was growing underneath the corporal. Nothing could be done for him anymore.
"Watch out, sir!" - a trooper yelled, throwing himself at the Captain, pulling him on the ground.
"Ugh, thank you, Ross... Ross?"
A puddle of blood was growing underneath the corporal. Nothing could be done for him anymore.
More shots rained on the line, targeting the hidden Platoon command.
Bullets whined above the guardsmen heads, with rubble jumping from the walls and the ground when the incandescent lead hit them.
When the racket lulled a bit, only the Lieutenant managed to stand back up. Acknowledging the loss of his squad, he reported to the captain:
"Sir, the position is lost: I'm falling back to regroup with the main force"
Bullets whined above the guardsmen heads, with rubble jumping from the walls and the ground when the incandescent lead hit them.
When the racket lulled a bit, only the Lieutenant managed to stand back up. Acknowledging the loss of his squad, he reported to the captain:
"Sir, the position is lost: I'm falling back to regroup with the main force"

The rhino wall keep advancing, joined by the now footslogging purifier squad.
A lot of fire went against the CCS, which went to ground and lost only a veteran, thankfully. I couldn't afford to lose the Astropath yet!
More stormbolters hit the PCS nearby, wiping it to the Lieutenant, which flee.
On the other flank, a dread turned back and slaughtered the stormtroopers, finishing them in assault.
KP count: 2-1
A lot of fire went against the CCS, which went to ground and lost only a veteran, thankfully. I couldn't afford to lose the Astropath yet!
More stormbolters hit the PCS nearby, wiping it to the Lieutenant, which flee.
On the other flank, a dread turned back and slaughtered the stormtroopers, finishing them in assault.
KP count: 2-1
Turn 3 - Imperial Guard
The battle was going on, with the Inquisitional forces trying to break the ambush and the Imperial Guard trying to break the Inquisitional forces. The former has been directed where the Captain planned, and it was now time to close the trap and wipe the traitors, once and for all.
From the east, the rhythmical trump of marching boots filled the air, above the loud engines and the deafening racket of automatic guns: the plan was unfolding as predicted!
With their guns blazing, the Imperial Guardsmen thrown themselves deep into the armored formation.
With their guns blazing, the Imperial Guardsmen thrown themselves deep into the armored formation.
The enemy tank drivers were completely caught by surprise when the first transports began exploding. Leading by example, the lieutenant directed the fire of his men, destroying two of the nearest enemy transports.
The flaming debris fell all around, pinging off the other transports but scything down several running guardsmen: the screams of pain went unheard, covered by the explosions and the cheers of victory from the surviving guardsmen
The flaming debris fell all around, pinging off the other transports but scything down several running guardsmen: the screams of pain went unheard, covered by the explosions and the cheers of victory from the surviving guardsmen
Keeping the momentum, the screaming guardsmen fell like a human tide against the staggering survivors outside the wrecked transports.
A sea of bayonets whirled and slashed and stabbed the enemy acolytes, leaving no survivors.
A sea of bayonets whirled and slashed and stabbed the enemy acolytes, leaving no survivors.
Encouraged by the explosion in the rear of the enemy positions, the gun line opened fire to cover their comrades against the retaliation of the Inquisitional column, which was far from destroyed.
The captain was too busy coordinating the efforts with the new reinforcements to direct the fire of the gunline: the sergeants tried their best to slow down the enemy advance.
The captain was too busy coordinating the efforts with the new reinforcements to direct the fire of the gunline: the sergeants tried their best to slow down the enemy advance.
Loud as ever, Imperial weaponry kept shooting through the field against the enemy transports, damaging more and more of them, slowing the enemy advance to a grinding halt.
The battle was at the turning point.

Al Raheem showed up from the right flank, and positioned it ready to cause as much damage as possible.
The fleeing PCS reached the end of the line and gets removed. I later learned that i could have it keep running parallel to the long table edge.
Since the CCS was still on ground, Al Raheem began issuing orders: Bring it down to his blob and to himself, wrecking a rhino and exploding another. The explosion hit 12 guardsmen but killed only 4.
The gunline failed a bit, managing only to immobilize another rhino.
The remaining PCS fired across the board and downed one of the purifiers that are on foot.
I always love assault phases when i get the charge: the blob and Al charge the contents of the tin boxes they destroyed, wiping the 2 small acolytes squad in a single swing. Note that Al Raheem just appeared and scored 4 kill points this turn. Say what about "earning back his points"?
KP count: 6-2 for Imperial Guard
The fleeing PCS reached the end of the line and gets removed. I later learned that i could have it keep running parallel to the long table edge.
Since the CCS was still on ground, Al Raheem began issuing orders: Bring it down to his blob and to himself, wrecking a rhino and exploding another. The explosion hit 12 guardsmen but killed only 4.
The gunline failed a bit, managing only to immobilize another rhino.
The remaining PCS fired across the board and downed one of the purifiers that are on foot.
I always love assault phases when i get the charge: the blob and Al charge the contents of the tin boxes they destroyed, wiping the 2 small acolytes squad in a single swing. Note that Al Raheem just appeared and scored 4 kill points this turn. Say what about "earning back his points"?
KP count: 6-2 for Imperial Guard
Turn 3 - Grey Knights
The Inquisitional forces were now surrounded in a pinch maneuver, and their situation is looking worse every minute passed.
The only hope left for the enemy was to break the encirclement and to find another route to escape the battlefield: a purifier patrol dismounted from its transport and ran to face the flank assault, while the others moved north to challenge the main gunline.
"Here they come, guardsmen! prepare your bayonets, here we'll decide our fate and the fate of this battle!"
In anger for their many losses, the Grey Knights opened fire against the guardsmen that dared challenging them.
Many, many automatic guns opened fire along the whole line: this was their last hope to turn the battle, and they poured all their courage in their guns.
"It's a shame we must kill all of them, they could have been a fine addition to our campaign, don't you think, corporal?"
The answer of the corporal wasn't audible under the noisy racket of guns and explosions and screams and orders everywhere on the battlefield.
Many, many automatic guns opened fire along the whole line: this was their last hope to turn the battle, and they poured all their courage in their guns.
"It's a shame we must kill all of them, they could have been a fine addition to our campaign, don't you think, corporal?"
The answer of the corporal wasn't audible under the noisy racket of guns and explosions and screams and orders everywhere on the battlefield.
"Don't be cowards like this man, guardsmen! We must stand strong and we will weather this storm, we won't disappoint the Emperor with our cowardice!"
Extract from the commissar's speech after the summary execution of a sergeant for cowardice
Extract from the commissar's speech after the summary execution of a sergeant for cowardice
While charging the surrounding forces, the Purifier squad summoned a psychic wave from the warp. The blast caught the minds of many guardsmen, snapping their lifes: they fell to the ground without a single reaction.
"Don't you dare killing my men like that! You traitor!" - The commissar yelled at the Grey Knights in front of him.
Pulling out all the courage he had, the commissar lead the countercharge: standing in awe for the incredible skill of the commissar, the sergeants followed him to revenge the fallen guardsmen killed by a foe they cannot see.
"Don't you dare killing my men like that! You traitor!" - The commissar yelled at the Grey Knights in front of him.
Pulling out all the courage he had, the commissar lead the countercharge: standing in awe for the incredible skill of the commissar, the sergeants followed him to revenge the fallen guardsmen killed by a foe they cannot see.
Cutting like a hot knife in butter, the power weapons slaughtered the marines.
"The hammer of the Emperor will smash you all, traitors!"
"The hammer of the Emperor will smash you all, traitors!"

The rhino wall kept advancing with what was left.
Both Purifiers disembarked from the remaining transports, one marched back toward Al's blob while the other marched ahead.
Everything opened fire against the AC blob, killing more than 25% of the unit. The morale test is passed at the second attempt, at the price of a sergeant.
The Purifiers charged Al's blob, wiping 12 with cleansing flame and 10 more through shooting and I6 attacks. The guard sergeants pulled out an incredible show, 15 attacks resulted in 8 PW wounds (where the expected average was less than 3!) wiping the squad completely!
KP count: 7-2
Both Purifiers disembarked from the remaining transports, one marched back toward Al's blob while the other marched ahead.
Everything opened fire against the AC blob, killing more than 25% of the unit. The morale test is passed at the second attempt, at the price of a sergeant.
The Purifiers charged Al's blob, wiping 12 with cleansing flame and 10 more through shooting and I6 attacks. The guard sergeants pulled out an incredible show, 15 attacks resulted in 8 PW wounds (where the expected average was less than 3!) wiping the squad completely!
KP count: 7-2
Turn 4 - Imperial Guard
The enemy forces are now completely surrounded, with their rear guard completely overran and an impenetrable wall of lasguns in front of them. The end was near!
"Men, this has gone on for too long. It's time to finis this now! OPEN FIRE!"
Following their commander's order, the sergeants coordinated the lasfire in timed waves, allowing the lasguns to recharge completely between every shot. The volleys reached the advancing purifiers which, with the help of Lascannons and Autocannons, fell to the ground to never get back up.
"Great job, men! Victory shall be ours!"
Following their commander's order, the sergeants coordinated the lasfire in timed waves, allowing the lasguns to recharge completely between every shot. The volleys reached the advancing purifiers which, with the help of Lascannons and Autocannons, fell to the ground to never get back up.
"Great job, men! Victory shall be ours!"
Jumping from wreck to wreck, the flanking platoon assaulted deep into the enemy formations. Melta beams reduced enemy transports and their occupants to smoking wrecks. There is no more room for escape!
Shortly after the final breakthrough, the Traitor Inquisitor is captured and summarily executed by the Commissars on the field, as per orders received. The other remaining survivors of his escort shall be captured and sent for interrogations.
Al Raheem and the remainders of his blob marched deep into the remaining rhinos formation, exposing rear armor to their meltaguns.
The whole line fired at the closer purifier squad, slaughtering them under the mass weight of lasrifles.
Al Raheem and friends exploded a couple more rhinos and assaulted their occupants: none survived.
KP count: 12-2
The whole line fired at the closer purifier squad, slaughtering them under the mass weight of lasrifles.
Al Raheem and friends exploded a couple more rhinos and assaulted their occupants: none survived.
KP count: 12-2
My opponent conceded
Victory to the 184th Cadian Regiment!
Post-battle analysis
- Well, my opponent admitted that this list was assembled shortly before the match, so it wasn't at its full potential. Anyway, this demonstrated the inherently weakness of the MSU + transports approach when it comes to KP games.
- Al Raheem won the game singlehandedly, scoring 7 KPs (at least). I suppose this evens the bad performance of the last match...
- Plasma stormtroopers are officially out of the list. This time they earned back their points, but anyway they don't bring anything much effective to the list.
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